I feel cauliflower gets a bit of a bad rap as being a very boring vegetable. I intend to show you this doesn’t have to be the case! It’s low carb, low cal, and it’s high in Vit C and Vit K. It’s now available in purple, green and orange varieties. My research on the different color varieties indicates that they were not genetically modified, but rather cross bred with other vegetables & nutrients such as broccoli, beta carotene, and in the case of the purple variety, the antioxidant anthocyanin, which occurs naturally in red cabbage and red wine. This also makes them higher in overall nutrients. The white variety has less fiber and is therefore better for pureed soups, and mashed ‘potatoes’. So on with the versatility of the humble cauliflower.
Feel free to click on some of my favorite cauliflower recipes:
Chicken & Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce
Sticky Sesame Cauliflower Bites